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traveling laundry

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:42 pm
by David and Susan Bratt
One of our biggest surprises traveling in Europe last fall was the cost of the poor laundry facilities. Washing machines are very small and take forever. Dryers rarely got things really dry. So we decided to make the investment in a Wonder Washer and a Spin Dryer from the Laundry Alternative. They arrived yesterday and I have tried them both out and was quite impressed. The washer is about the size of a pail. The spin dryer is a little taller and thinner. We plan to store them in the cabinet under the stove. The spin dryer left the laundry almost dry. It was quite remarkable. Today I washed some really dirty towels and they really came out clean. It only uses 6 quarts of water at its biggest capacity. Now our only problem will be trying to figure out how best to pack them to take them with us. We plan to be in Amsterdam four weeks from today.!! Sue