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Screen door rattle

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 11:57 am
by sonomaellen
Our new 22 BFT has been great so far but the screen door rattle while we're travelling has been driving me a little batty. I tried putting a rag between the door and the frame and that helped a little, but not much. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, how have you dealt with it?

I did

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 9:27 pm
by Trisha
I found 2 things.

1, I put a strip of that cheap foam insualtor (that you use for doors to keep the cold air out) that is like $2 for a roll....and has 2 sided tape on it. I put an edge of that around the outside edge of the screen.

That worked *most * of the time. The way to fix it the rest of the time, I have to "smartly* close (slam?) the door and it is solidly closed ther are no rattles of any kind.

Don't know if it should be that way, but since it works for me, I will keep it up, unless otherwise informed that there's soemthing wrong.

This cheap and quick fix worked for me.


Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:07 pm
by Steve W
No screen door rattle, but shortly after we purchased our 2004BFT, our rear door begin to rattle. Very noticeable, very irritating. After consulting with Born Free(who tried to help) and three RV repair shops, a helpful hint from another Leap'n Lion solved our problem. A wrap around the door post with electrical tape terminated the rattle. If yours is definitely from the screen door, then this is of no value. But, should the rattle be actually from the rear door itself, you might give it a try. A single wrap should do it. :)

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:27 pm
by Dave&JanPotter
I can attest to Steve W's solution for a main door squeak. It worked for me when all else failed. As for the rattle of the screen door, it should be held in place by the screen door latch itself. I had to play with the latch adjustment to get it to pick up the door and release correctly but was able to make the adjustment and keep the screen door firmly against the main door. Worked for me, hope it helps you.


Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:39 pm
by sonomaellen
Upon further investigation, it appears as if there's some flex and the rubber bumpers (top and bottom) are hitting the door. We'll try the insulation trick there and see how it goes!