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Awning replacement advice

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:17 pm
by bbwolf
Hoping to learn from others about a replacement Awning for the rainy Pacific Northwest.

Our Dometic Cassette Awning does not work in the rainy Pacific Northwest very well. The manual as well as Dometic Awning Technical support state that these Awnings are actually designed for SunShade and not heavy rain. Experience shows this to be true.

They recommend a manual Awning with "Rainshed" design, so we can manually slope the Awning as needed.

The problem we are running into is that it would take a very large shim to get a Manual awning (with straight legs) to work on our 23ft 2014 Freedom RSK. (picture attached). I took it to an RV shop and we went through multiple sceneries, all requiring a lot of custom shims and potential engineering feats to get the Awning mounted "out" far enough to make it vertically straight enough to install with legs.

Has anyone found an Awning with possible bent legs that could conform to the side of the Born Free? Any advice is greatly appreciated.